Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Securing your Wireless Network from being Hacked

Wireless routers have made our life simpler by bringing freedom from wires. We can share a single wireless connection on multiple PCs, placed all over a house or office, and enjoy browsing, emailing, music\video streaming, gaming etc. As the wireless technology has advantages, at the same time it has disadvantages too. A wireless connection (no matter whichever router you are using) can be taken undue advantage of by ill-will people. For them, hacking wireless network is just a child’s play. It can be scary but don’t worry! Check the below mentioned tips and safeguard your wireless network from hacking.
1. Wireless networks usually work on two types of encryption mode viz. WEP and WPA. WEP (wired equivalent privacy) is an old technique of wireless protection. It offers three types of encryption keys viz. 265-bits, 128-bits, and 64-bits. As said earlier, WEP is an older technique; it mostly supports old wireless router devices.
You can also find here how to set up and configure a Linksys Wi-Fi router.
2. Go to your router’s wireless configuration and encrypt the network using this mode. Make a long encryption key that is hard to remember. Never set your Wi-Fi to automatic connection. Make it ask for the manual connection that requires a key to connect every time. Write it down on a piece of paper so that it can be retrieved if you have forgotten.
3. WPA (Wi-Fi protected access) is the latest technique to use encryption on a wireless connection. The technique was designed to overcome the issues involved in WEP. The technique doesn’t support old routers and hence is not used as extensively as WEP. It is recommended to use WPA as it is securer than WEP. You must note it down on a piece of paper for future retrieval purposes.
4. Disable the DHCP function in your router. This will keep hackers away from your wireless network. Hackers otherwise will have to crack the TCP/IP parameters, IP address, and subnet mask etc. so as to get into your Wi-Fi.
5. Create a unique and individual SSID for each wireless access point. Disable the SSID broadcast if SSID is reachable. This will withhold the SSID from appearing in the list of available networks. However, you will still have access to the wireless service.
6. Install a free home network mapping tool that will regularly signpost you about the changes in your home network. An abrupt change will indicate that your home network is being targeted by hackers. Thus you can take corrective actions to stop it. There are various tools available on the Internet like Spiceworks etc.
7. Change or disable SNMP (simple management network protocol) settings. Hackers can use SNMP settings to crack into your Wi-Fi. Either modify both the public and private SNMP settings or disable them.
8. You can create an access list for enhanced security, provided that your router supports this. The list will enable you to decide which device has to be allowed to connect to your network access point.

***Check here how to connect your gaming device wirelessly to your Belkin Wi-Fi router. You can also find here how to reset Wireless router password or set up wireless connection.

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