Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to Change Security Settings on a Belkin Wireless Router

Belkin wireless router is the perfect device for setting up a wireless network. If you don't want any stranger within the range of your wireless router to be able to access your network you will first need to enable the router's security settings.


• On your computer which are connected to Belkin wireless router. Click on the "Start" and then open the “Control Panel”.

• Scroll down through the options list and then double-click the "Devices" icon. Right-click on the entry for your Belkin wireless router and click on "Update Driver."

• Open your web browser by clicking on its corresponding desktop icon and on the address bar type "" Press the Enter key. Click on the "Login" button.

• The password field should be left blank and then the ‘Submit’ button is clicked on, in order to access the settings menu. After this, the tab at the top of the screen labeled as ‘Wireless’ needs to be clicked on.

• Find the "Security" link at the center of the page and click on it. Click on the "Security Mode" drop-down menu box and then change the security mode to whichever setting you want. Choose the "128 bit WEP" option from the drop-down menu if you want to enable security encryption on your wireless network.

• Click on the "Generate" button at the bottom of the screen to generate the encryption key and then type in a password you want to use in the "Passphrase" text box. Leave the box empty if you want anyone within range to be able to access your wireless router. Click on the "Apply Changes" button to save the changes.

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