Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to Secure a Linksys Wireless Network

Setting up security on a Linksys wireless network keeps unwanted users that are in the vicinity of your router to connect to the internet and "steal" your wireless router internet connection. They could also gain access to your PC and steal files and folders of data. Two encryption methods used to secure wireless routers are wired equivalent privacy (WEP) and Wi-Fi protected access (WPA). WPA was developed in response to vulnerabilities inherent in WEP encryption technology. Because WPA supports higher-security encryption methods such as user-specific keys, rotating keys and authentication certificates to verify connection sessions, it results in a more secure network than WEP.

Steps to Secure a Linksys Wireless Network

• Open a web browser type your Linksys router's IP address into the address bar and pressing "Enter”

• Enter your user name and password into the popup window and press "Enter."

• Click on the "Wireless" tab near the top of the screen. After you click on "Wireless," click on the option "Wireless Security" below it.

• Select "WPA Personal" on the first drop-down list. After you have selected "WPA Personal," select "TKIP" on the "WPA Algorithms" drop-down list.

• Type a password into the "WPA Shared Key" field. You will use this password to connect to your wireless Internet connection.

• Leave the "Group Key Renewal" setting on the default value of "3600." This value determines the rate at which your computer refreshes the encryption key sent to connected computers.

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