Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How to Configure a Netgear Firewall

Wireless routers are quickly becoming an important device. Wireless routers help you connect several computers simultaneously to the internet in one go and that too, wirelessly. A common setting for a network router is firewall configurations. A firewall blocks unauthorized access from the internet to the internal network. The Netgear firewall also allows access to the internal network using port forwarding. This blog states on how to configure a Netgear firewall


1. Open web browser, In the address bar enter the IP address for your router. The default IP address for new Netgear routers is "" Enter your administration password when prompted.

2. Click the "Security" link on the left side of the screen and then click "Services." A new window opens with your current firewall settings. Click the button labeled "Add Custom Service."

3. Enter a name for the new firewall setting. In the drop-down box labeled "Type," select "Any."

4 . Enter a starting and ending port number in the text boxes labeled "Start" and "End." For instance, if this is for website traffic, the start and ending port is 80.

5 . Click the "Apply" button to save your changes. The router's firewall settings are configured for your new service.

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