Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to Configure Wireless Router

Now a day’s wireless router network technology is become a most popular across the globe. Wireless network is the best way to share your data and you can send easily send the data.Setting of wireless router is very easy but you need to know some basic things about wireless network. You need to install the wireless router and it will be the main hub of all of your devices on the network.

Setting a wireless router you should have broadband internet connection or dsl modem. Usually we see common set up we need to do with desk top computer being plugged in to the modem. You need to take wireless router as well as one more thing you need to add usb wireless adapter to your pc and pc card based network adapter for your computers.

The most important thing you need to do next step turn off the DSL modem after that you can connect to the wireless router to the modem. When you are set up complete your computer will be wirelessly connected to your router. Then you need to configure the wireless router Next step you need to take wireless network name make sure your wireless network name should be unique.last step you need to take a unique password. For some security reasons your is not easy and to too short

The last step is to configure laptop network adapter. If u do window xp on screen instruction you right click the wireless network click the wireless network in your task bar and select "View Available Wireless Networks The window will show connection of wireless network and as well as you will see name you already chose for your wireless network, Refresh network list in the upper-left corner. When you're already connected you can close the Wireless Network Connection window.

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