Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to configure DHCP server in Windows 7

The concept of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is an essential aspect for improved network in regards with security, reliability, manageability and usability.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server offers information regarding IP address, subnet mask and default gateway to the clients. DHCP server for Windows 7 has been superior in many areas like support for SSID caching, optimization for obtaining IP address and others.

Assume, your Windows 7 PC is connected to an intranet having several subnets and the Internet, but having a default gateway for both adapters. In this condition, you can either communicate with all computers on the intranet or Internet, but not with both of them. In order to resolve this problem, you have to configure a default gateway with the adapter attached to the Internet. This is where the role of DHCP server comes into play.

Let’s see how we can configure DHCP server for windows 7 with out any assist of windows 7 tech support
1. Click Start, Control Panel
2. Click Add or Remove Programs
3. Add/Remove Windows Components
4. It will open Windows Components Wizard
5. From the Components list box, select Networking Services, and after that click the Details button
6. The Networking Services dialog box open
7. In the Subcomponents of Networking Services list box, check the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol checkbox
8. Click OK
9. Click Next
10. On the Windows Components Wizard page you will get the prompt of complete process.
11. Click Finish
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